How to Connect mágic hd With msd

It possible to Connect mágic hd With msd

What is Magic HD?

What network protocols does it support?

Assuming you are talking about the Chamsys MagicHD we checked the specs and those specify that MagicHD supports thumbnails and previews over CITP. The previews is what the Visualizer needs to display so it looked alright.

To be sure, we downloaded and installed the latest version of the MagicHD and tried to make the connection. Unfortunately this failed.

We managed to track the problem down to incorrect values being sent by MagicHD and therefor the MSD Visualizer won’t see the MagicHD as a media server.
We have notified Chamsys about this issue.


MagicHD stand alone (using MagicQ USB Dongle)

For stand alone systems where there is no MagicQ console, PC Wing or Maxi Wing then the MagicQ USB Dongle can be used to unlock the MagicHD functions, enabling easy use in installation and architectural type environments.

MagicHd support CITP but her output is video or net (pixelmapping)

Hey, I managed to connect to MagicHD on the same pc and also stand-alone server. I used the personality pdf from chamsys to create the fixture file but you can also create 100 dimmer channels and see what happens. Increase the dimmer and the audio channel in the main and layer section. Set de video length to max, make sure the rest is set to default and your videofile start playing. However I can’t get CITP thumbnails because MPC does not recognise it as a mediaserver. Without a dongle you are limited to one videolayer instead of eight. You must have and artnet adress 2.x.x.x on both computers.

We received a message from Chamsys, stating that they verified the problem with the values and that they would let us know when a fix was released.
At that time, we will check it again and let you know.

ChamSys MagicQ v1.7.6.2 beta available for download.

Fixes to CITP server in MagicHD and MagicCap: incorrect MessageSize parameter in PINF/PLoc messages. Incorrect VersionMinor parameter in MSEX/StFr messages. Bug #16242.

MagicHD appears in CITP mediaserver list but has status Offline… so no CITP images. It’s a standalone server. Maybe it is my fixture file that is not good? @Ofer: can I send you the pdf discription file so you can make a fixture definition?

Hello Rudi,

Which control are you using?

Please use the Profile Request form:


I use the m-touch.
Request is send.
Thank you Ofer.